
  • From Imaging to Sensing: Latest and Future Trends of CMOS Image Sensors

    Sunday, October 20 | 10:30 - 17:30 | Room: Sumire/Tsutsuji

    This workshop will provide an overview of recent technological trends of CMOS image sensors (CIS). This workshop will have the invite talks from the principal engineers representing major CIS players in the image sensor industry as well as the academic researchers to introduce the recent CIS evolution, technological trends including imaging and sensing technologies and will have communication time to talk with these authors about future perspective about CIS technologies. The workshop has two major sessions: One is the general CIS technology review as consumer electronics devices such as smartphone camera, automotive camera in addition to the review of the cutting-edge CIS devices structures. The other is the new trend including non-imaging applications such as time of flight sensors which output the high precision depth map as well as SPAD (Single photon avalanche diode)) based image sensors to capture high quality images under very faint lighting conditions. We believe this workshop will pave the way of future imaging and sensing technology and would like to encourage all the attendee of the IEEE SENSORS 2024 conference to come to discuss the topics about "From Imaging to Sensing: Latest and Future Trends of CMOS Image Sensors".

    View the workshop abstract here. 

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      Industry Co-Chair

      SONY Semiconductor Solutions Corporation

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      TechInsights, USA

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      Samsung Electronics

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      Shizuoka University

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      Canon Inc.

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      Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp.

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      Artilux Inc.

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      Meta Inc.

  • Autonomous Driving: Noise Factors and Metrics for Robust Perception Sensors

    Sunday, October 20 | 13:30 - 17:00 | Room: Kikusui

    Autonomous and Automated Vehicles are on the verge of modifying completely travelling, commuting, and how different countries approach transportation modalities. This transportation revolution is accompanied by the promise of safer, more sustainable and inclusive journeys. With the increased importance of different perception sensor technologies enabling automation, this workshop aims to bring together sensors and automotive experts to explore the main challenges of sensing in the multifaceted, continuously changing, and unpredictable driving environment. Perception and general vehicle sensors are responsible for providing robust and reliable data to build situational awareness, enabling prompt and safe decisions. 

    Workshop website:

    Participants are invited to submit their posters for an interactive poster session during the workshop. Please submit your abstract (500 words) related to robust perception sensing for assisted, automated, and autonomous vehicles and future transportation:

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      University of Warwick, UK

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      Eren Aksoy

      Halmstad University (Sweden)

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      Sergio Fernandez

      Valeo (Germany)

  • Body Sensing for advanced Human Machine Interface

    Tuesday, October 22 | 9:30 - 15:30 | Room: Topaz

    Traditional Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) often rely on external controls that can be cumbersome and limit natural interaction. Body sensing offers a revolutionary approach for HMIs by leveraging the human body itself as an additional interface. This approach utilizes various sensors to capture a rich set of biosignals, including muscle activity (electromyography), brain waves (electroencephalography), eye movements (electrooculography), voice and gestures, and even subtle changes in skin properties. By deciphering these signals, the system can interpret user intent and control machines in a more intuitive and seamless manner. This workshop explores the potential of body sensing for advanced HMIs, highlighting its applications in areas like prosthetics control, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, gaming, robotics, and rehabilitation. 

    • Simone_Ferri_BEST.jpg

      Analog, Power, MEMS and Sensors Group Vice-President, MEMS sub-group General Manager - STMicroelectronics

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      STMicroelectronics, Italy

    • Bharath Rajagopalan.jpg

      Director of Strategic Marketing at STMicroelectronics, Chair of the AR Alliance

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      Senior Staff HW Engineer, ThinkPad Innovation & WorkStation

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      trinamiX GmbH

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      Live demo chair

      School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

    • Mariangela Filosa.jpeg

      Postdoctoral researcher at the Neuro-Robotic Touch Laboratory of the BioRobotics Institute of SSSA

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      Head of a D-ITET center

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      TDK InvenSense

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      Pison Technologies

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  • How do we understand, define and categorize sensors?

    Sunday, October 20 | 15:30 - 17:00 | Room: Waraku 2

    Sensors are everywhere around us and we can hardly imagine our life without them. Yet, it appears that  there is not a single generally-accepted understanding about what actually is a “sensor”.  The origin of this situation can be traced in the multidisciplinary nature of sensors  and the extremely wide range of applications. 


Sunday, October 20, 2024

10:30 - 17:30 | Sumire/TsutsujiFrom Imaging to Sensing: Latest and Future Trends of CMOS Image Sensors
13:30 - 17:00 | KikusuiAutonomous Driving: Noise Factors and Metrics for Robust Perception Sensors
15:30 - 17:00 | Waraku 2How do we understand, define and categorize sensors?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

9:30 - 15:30 | TopazBody Sensing for advanced Human Machine Interface