WiSe-YP Big Idea Pitch Competition Submission

This competition is to motivate young students/researchers to develop entrepreneurial and business mindsets with their skills and training on sensor research and development.

Competition Rules

  • A five-minute oral pitch presentation with four slides about a business idea based on the presenter’s research project(s).
  • The first slide is for the title, presenter, affiliation and credentials. The other 3 slides focus on “the Problem”, “Solution(s)”, and “Expected Outcomes”.
  • The teams can bring what they can carry
  • Each team can have 1 or max 2 participants.
  • Eligible for students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals (defined as within 15 years from B.Sc. degree by the IEEE YP program)
  • One-page proposal should be submitted on or before October 17, 2024. The proposal should include a project Title, the Problem, Solution(s), and Expected Outcomes.
  • The judging and mentoring panel will consist of entrepreneurs and academic researchers.


Will be announced soon.


To register Click the link at the top of the page to complete the form.